A lucky meteor !
His name is Joshua Hutagalung and he is a citizen of
Indonesia Sumatra. The 33 years old Joshua was standing
casually on the rooftop of the building where he lived. It
was night and so he decided to watch the sky & stars. Soon
he was distracted to see sparkling light rushing towards him.
Before he could react he heard a heavy sound just before him.
However he soon brought his senses back and found that a big
meteor has fallen before him!
Later the weight of the meteor was found to be 2.1Kg. He
collected further information and thereby knew it to be Carb-
onaceous Chondrite. It was around 450 crore years old!
The price he got was simply fantastic. Ten lakh pounds which
in Indian currency comes to around 9 Crore 80 lakhs !
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