Ah ! Those Tiger Cubs !!
I could still .recollect those velvety paws and innocent eyes. They were our pets when we were 10/12 years of age.We had a "Chiriawalla" named Gani who frequently visited our house to supply various rare birds.Yes my father was a bird lover & collector and he constructed a big cage-as big as a hallroom-on the terrace which we called "Pakhi Ghor". It so happened- we knew later -that Gani was aware of our father's wish to present us tiger cubs.He finally arrived with a bundle from where two cute puppy like cubs peeped out. The deal was done and a big wooden cage with iron grills soon arrived. Bhortu, our head servant was given sole responsibility for their up keeping. Within a month the cubs became restless and their mews turned into snarls. Our father decided to free them from morning till evening from their cage. Then began a season of running jumping- even scaring and scratching with snarls. Every evening...