
Showing posts with the label Marketing History

Marketing vs Customer's Feedback !

An overburdened Exucative, trying to snatch a quick meal at a roadside foodstall,was intercepted by a Salesman ! While trying to control his patiance he, however, decided to hear it out. His patiance ran out when he found the Salesman talking rubbish. "What's that ?" "Marketing !" Without wasting a moment the Exucative slapped him. "What's that ?" a perplexed Salesman. "Customer's feedback!" the prompt reply !

Long live Shakespeare !

There had already been a lot of controversies regarding the identity of William Shakespeare.Questions like-how could an almost illiterate person have penned such Classics like Hamlet Julius Caesar etc along with various Sonnets - still prevails. Recently a film has been made (Anonymous)which will be released in Britain soon-contradicts our belief once again.It is possibly trying to throw some hints that the actual author of these master- pieces was the 17th Earl of Oxford-Edward de vere ! Just another controversy or marketing histry ?