The One-eyed man !

I have seen him only once in my life yet how remarkably he still exists in my mind.
I was around 30 when I first saw him. It was the first and unfortunately the very last time that I ever met him-at least so I thought!
He looked like any other, a very ordinary man with shabby dress and long hairs. There were some other features too that reminded me of my school days.
I was in Madan Cabin,a local tea shop in our locality. Usually our friends took out some time to spend there. It was around 6pm and, as usually, 3/4 friends were with me. We were busy discussing with those day's hot topic.
Suddenly we noticed the man , with a peculiar look, paying attention to whatever we were saying.I have already mention some common features of the man.Those who have read "Treasure Island" by R L Stevenson would be in a better position to relate him with Long John Silver since he too was a one eyed man.He was of course not a one legged man though.
After sometime I realised that his centre of focus was me. At times he was vehemently looking at me-in fact he was not willing to shift his only eye away from me. I felt uneasy and repeatedly tried to understand the the reason. In the meantime my friends left and I too was on the point of leaving.
Finally the one eyed man got up and went to the counter and paid for his cup of tea. I too got up to leave when suddenly he turned and hit me  hard on my face. Madan Babu immediately caught the exited man's hand. I was so perplexed that I failed to react.
In his excitement the furious man was muttering something. For few moments no one could follow what he was saying.
At last...and at last I came to know what and why he acted in such a manner.
Here is the story:
A year back -it was raining incessantly -when I was in a hurry to reach a cinema hall. I had my umbrella with me. Somehow I boarded a bus and was trying to fold the umbrella when I heard someone protesting. Probably he was hurt by my umbrella while getting up from his seat. For a moment I saw him covering his face, as if in pain, and quickly getting down the bus to the pavement . Only once did he turn back and looked at me sternly. I spotted blood on his face when the bus sped away.
I immediately remembered him and said that I have  regrets for the incident of that rainy evening. He kept on looking at me sternly. 
Finally he calmed down and a strange sadness spread over his face.
"You little know how you have spoiled my entire life."

(To be continued)


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