Value of life!

Not an abnormal situation as we have almost got used to it. Yet when things happen just before your eyes and you are compelled to witness it, without any options,what should one do! Like any other day, I was taking my morning walk along the central avenue.People were busy with their daily chores and everything was as normal as any other given day. Suddenly there was a loud screeching sound and all heads turned towards the road ahead. A small girl,sorry a baby, shocked by the sound froze on the spot.It looked around amusingly at the big bus.There was no fear in the baby's eyes.It even tried to grab the bus's big tyre. Little did it bother about the tensed crowd.On looking around for it's parents we weren't shocked to find it's mother fast asleep on the footpath beside a tent. That too is nothing unusual! Thought I.


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