Guilt unforgotten!

How could a feeling of guilt suddenly haunt you
after several several years have past.After passing almost all the phases of Life how? How? After an afternoon nap I was just awaking when,from nowhere, a guilt of past pounced upon me. I was around 9/10 years when along with my parents, brothers and only sister we went to a big garden near Dumdum. During those days very few people lived there and we used to call it a forest in our childhood days.It also had a big lake at the center and a small tile house at one side. Gofurmia was the caretaker who used to climb the trees easily and pluck few coconuts for us.Our paternal uncle too kept a watchful eyes on us. I,however, was after a big fat hen surrounded by her fluffy chicks.In my eyes the chiks looked like little fairies-so cute and so soft.Suddenly their mother would move quickly to catch a worm or fly. The chicks would immediately follow. I was mesmerized by their small innocent round eyes. How I would like to have at least one of them in my house--thought I.I would take care of it like its mother and caress it whenever I liked. Now I could hear my uncle calling all to come near our car, which was kept under a big tree. Without thinking twice I grabbed the best one and put it in my pocket.I holded it's beak since it was twitting.All through the little chick tried to call it's mother. The more it tried the more tightly I held it's soft beak. At last it stopped it's wee struggle while I thought foolishly that it fell asleep. On reaching home I ran upstairs to wake it up and play our childish game. It layed quiet! I brought a mug of water and sprinkled it all over repeatedly. Repeatedly repeatedly & repeatedly I sprinkled.I took it to bed , covered it.I cried and cried.Never would I do such a thing. Never never never !! I vouched.


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