The mysterious Indian saree !

I was always baffled by Sarees worn by the ladies of our

house as well as our country. It will be probably true for all

husbands -I mean the husbands of our country at least !

I was watching a TV show and was completely unaware about

what was happening behind me . Later I recognized that I got

involved in an unwanted situation-without knowing or caring

to know. 

My wife was busy near the almirah and she was accompanied

by my brother's daughter ( aged around 23/24 years ) who is

a school teacher. I was remotely aware of their activity though

 too occupied with the TV show  to pay much attention.

The outcome however was probably not very agreeable as I

presumed later.

Saraswati Puja was just ahead and it is always expected that

ladies-specially school teachers-were expected to be present

before their students in sarees.

   Well to come back to the point- yes I probably made a great

mistake unknowingly. I decided to intrude in the much guarded

ladies world of SAREES !

 When I found too much commotion going on at the back-office I

very foolishly decided to end it-with one stroke. I rather casually

asked them to show me the sarees. Within a second I made a

a choice and the sweet lady picked it up and vanished. Finally

I ended the confusion-thought I -and decided to watch the TV

once again.

      Thoughts came rushing back to me after I switched off the

TV  to face the real world !! At least a few thousand questions

constantly pestered me -and I lost my peace of mind !!!

     Oh -how I waited patiently to find out the outcome of this

bizarre situation !

     Finally I was relieved -Relieved in the truest sense of the

word- when the lady showed me few pics of their function.

      After all -my choice was not as bad- thought I -watching

eagerly at the young lady in the picture who simply looked her

best in that Saree !


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