The mysterious Grandfather Clock!

From my childhood I have been watching the Big Clock.Later it was shifted near the 2nd landing of our staircase.I was probably a young man of 24 when the Grandfather Clock was replaced in its present freestanding spot. Well to come back to what I was saying, the GFC had always created a strange feeling within me.Its low and deep sound of chiming always seemed to wisper something strange into my ears!Both hands of the GFC sometimes resembled as two big eyes, following me in my every steps. Later in life it somehow scared as well as helped me in several ways. Whether it really happened or it was a kind of hallucination I still couldn't believe - but it did happen. I had an important business appointment at 10.30 am on a Monday morning.There is no denying that I was a bit tensed.I had my whole heart on this, since a lot of things were involved in that meeting. As mentioned, that I was a bit tensed, I repeatedly watched the GFC's hands to be punctual in my timing. Finally when I reached my appointment place I WAS AN HOUR LATE!I was angry and frustrated at myself.While biting my nails..I suddenly remembered the GFC. was the spoiler !! From the very beginning it cheated me.Yes it misleaded me by it's sinister hands.. hence an hour late in my appointment ! From the very next day I decided to take it's timing with a pinch of salt. (To continue)


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