Dirty Everest ?

Mount Everest,the highest peak in the world , is littered with garbages. Nepal government has now decided to clean up the mess. Government funded team of soldiers and Sherpas, till now, have removed 11 tonnes of garbage. Along with this 4 dead bodies and a skeleton was removed during this year's climbing. According to Ang Babu Sherpa, the team leader of Sherpas, there could be around 40 to 50 tonnes of garbage near the last camp, from where the climbers make their final attempt to the summit.The list consists of gas cartridges, oxygen bottles,tent packs, food packets, ropes for climbing etc. Since 1953 when the peak was first conquered, thousands tried to scale the mountain and left their rejected belongings behind. Now the Government strictly made rule.Climbers have to bring back their garbage. ;


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