
Showing posts from June, 2024

Fleshy Robots !

Human looking Robots are quite common nowadays. Now the Japanese engineers want to take it a little further. They have decided to put human face to get that natural smile of a human being. To do this they have created a mask of a face that resembles a real human being. They have used human skin cells and attached it with the robots. The applied technology is yet unknown to the world. Scientist predict that this will lead to more sophisticated robots. The researchers believe that in future the skin will be equivalent to a living cell.It can scare and burn and also self heal. ;

Police involvement in buffalo birth.

Dialing UP112 for police assistant has now become quite popular.It seems that common people are aware of this number and are ready to use it at the drop of a hat. A farmer named Jasveer of Khushhalpur village under the Rahara police station area of Amroha has done the same thing when his buffalo gave birth to a new baby.On receiving the call, the Police Response Vehicle(PRV)immediately rushed towards the spot within few minutes. They were sure that there was some emergency to be handled. Finding that the farmer had simply called them to show his newborn buffalo baby the police were shocked and irritated. They gave a strong warning and said that case will be filed against them if they ever try to harass the keeper of law for such trivial things! ;

AI sued by music companies.

Suno and Udio, both artificial intelligence companies, have been sued on Monday by major record labels Sony Music, Universal Music Group and Warner.They were both accused of mass copyright infringement.With the application of AI they copied music without proper permission. They both recreated elements of songs. Artist's like Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen and ABBA's musics were manipulated to serve such purpose,they alleged.

Can humans live longer?

From records we could find that only a single person have been able to cross 120 years.To be precise a lady named Jeanne Calment lived for 122 years and 164 days. This brings us to Bryan Johnson who is desperate to live much much longer.He travelled to an isolated island called Roatan in Honduras.In this island there is a zone called Prospera where gene therapy company Minicircle operates.(To be continued) ;

Taylor Swift's jet attacked.

Climate activist are desperate to stop fossil fuels by 2030.On this thursday they painted Taylor Swift's luxury private plane with orange. This happened after a day when Stonehenge was attacked. Essex police stated that two women were arrested with charge of damaging and interfering with national infrastructure.Jennifer Kwolski 28 and Cole Macdonald 22 were using fire extinguisher filled with orange paint to spray two private jets. Taylor Swift's uses of private jets faced a lot of criticism.She was mentioned in 2022 list published by British sustainability marketing firm Yard. She was noted as the worst private jet carbon dioxide emission offenders.Only in the year 2022 her jet flew 170 times.Her emission record was 8,293.54 tonnes.This is 1,184.8 times more,which heavily crosses the average limit per person-according to Yard. ;

Allien again !

We are yet to be sure about aliens visiting our Earth.Though unexplained signs are still visible to baffle our thoughts.Mysterious monoliths seems to appear repeatedly out of nowhere.Rectangular structure began appearing around the globe in 2020.The mystery monolith seems to have appeared again on the Northern side of Las Vegas.Nothing is known about its coming -how did it arrive or what will be its next move. Some thought that it was a portal to travel various places.Anothe in Facebook mentioned that it's always the aliens. ;

Actor wants to donate organs.

Vishwak Sen (29)an Indian actor, director and scriptwriter who works in Telugu films, is eager to donate his organs to the needy.According to him more than 5 lakh people in our country needs organ every day.As an actor he would like to inspire others to come forward with such noble work. The Director Sailesh Kolanu was also present at the event.He collaborated with the actor on the film HIT. Vishwak believes that such initiative could change lives of many families.

Stale food in Hyderabad ?

Hyderabad, once known for its food culture, has somehow faild to keep up with it's reputation. Poor food quality, ordered by the customers,has more or less become a daily issue.Recently we have seen in the newspapers that someone has ordered ice cream online. They were shocked to find a human finger in their ordered ice cream.In fact my daughter in law ordered some groceries which proved to be stale too. Wonder how long these rotten food will play with Hyderabad's reputation!

Kate fights cancer bravely.

Kate, Britain's Princess of Whales, is all out to fight cancer. After a long time she made her appearance in public. She was in the balcony of the Buckingham Palace along with the other royal families.King Charles was seen with William and children. They were there after celebrating the official birthday of the monarch and watching military parade. Kate released a photo of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis hugging their father William. The photo was taken from the back while they were watching the sea. Kate put a caption "We love you Papa, Happy Father's Day."                 

A 20th century Parsi cricketer

In the early 20th century he was a star cricketer in Los Angeles.His  name was Maneckji Jamsetji Bhumgara. He was a Parsi cricketer who came from Surat.Though a rich businessman yet his love for cricket made him a star for the Los Angeles Cricket Club.He was a spin bowler and his name was well known in Southern California. The Los Angeles Times, a premier newspaper, praised his skill in the game in its September 22, 1907 edition. The article further mentioned that he played in St Louis, New York, San Francisco, Portland etc. He captured 20 wickets by giving away only 5.2 runs in the 1st series of interleague matches against Santa Monica eleven. He died in Paris ( age 66 ) in the year 1944.

Chinese confidential documents.

A military history buff who bought a pile of old paper for $1 was surprised to find a collection of country's military history.When he came to know that it was a very sensitive matter he reported to the security. The purchaser, known by only his surname Zhang, is a fan of military history. He immediately recognised that the papers were highly confidential. Which is a State secret and which is not depends upon China's State Security bodies and the Communist Party legal system.  Two people who were in magazine and second hand books business were being questioned . No one was arrested.  

Japanese cat and AI.

Japanese lady named Mayumi Kitakata aged 57 has a new idea to look after her pet cats. She has turned to CatsMe! an AI driven smartphone app that can tell when a cat is in pain.Not only that but it can do other works too that are helpful to pets.Due to plummeting birth rate and aging population these pets have become an integral part of many families. According to Japan Pet Food Association there are almost 16 million pet cats and dogs in the country. This is more than under 15 years old children of Japan. This particular app is being used by more than 230,000 customers in the country since it's inauguration.

Salman Khan's frustration.

The famous film actor Salman Khan is frustrated for a crime that he has already paid in several ways. While shooting for a film near Jodhpur in the year 1998 ,he has been accused of hunting chinkaras. Henceforth a gang has been targeting Salman repeatedly. On 13th April two shooters fired at Bandra residence of the actor. Several arrests has been made by the Navi Mumbai police recently. A faction of Bishnoi gang allegedly planned to ambush the actor near his Panvel farmhouse. The crime branch however said that police are filing chargesheet to build up a stronger case. They have recorded Salman's statement.

Elephants call by name.

Although it sounds very strange,yet present day researchers have found an unobserved fact. According to their research they have found that elephants call each other by names. However impossible it might sound yet they have put up an example to prove their point.  They have used a machine learning model to find out. They say that when a single elephant makes a call towards a group of elephants ,the entire group answers. They further noticed the reverse too. When an elephant call out in a different note, only a single came forward. This is just an example and more research works are being done.                  

A terrible experience.

It was a terrible sight and I cannot forget it throughout my life. It sometime haunts me in my sleep too. It was near Dalhousie in Kolkata where the event happened. A tanker loaded with gas was the cause of this tragedy. It happened during the busy hour when everybody in that area was shocked to hear  a bombasting sound. It so happened that I too was present on the spot on that very day. I was coming out from an office when suddenly I heard a loud 'Boom' sound. It was such a loud sound that every one in that area simply stood still or rather shuddered. When I came to my sense I saw a big tanker on fire. Fireballs were coming out from it and sometime hitting pedestrians. While I was watching all this suddenly a ball came rushing towards me. I moved aside and somehow saved myself. Before my eyes I saw a man shaking shaking  and finally collapsing. Just before my eyes the man turned into a  ball of  fire.  A peculiar sound was coming out from his mouth which immediately caught my

Eating one's anxiety.

Nowadays, especially in the office they face a lot of anxieties. To get rid of this the Chinese youths are cultivating bananas in their offices. It has gone viral in social media as stop banana green.  This is the latest way to tackle  tension and stress in present day offices. Beginning from spectre green and proceeding towards a golden yellow is a fun to look at. Every moment comes with surprise and this results in endless hope. Sharing bananas also help to better relationship at work. According to an online observer these desktop bananas generate conversation. In few bananas even names are written on the skin before they are handed over to their colleagues. The average working hours in China is 49 hours which to some is very stressful. There are some other believers who believe this is just a marketing stunt to tackle the present slum in sales.

Giraffe needs human baby.

We are all fond of babies. In fact we like to see baby cats,baby tigers, baby lions,baby monkeys etc. They are not very touchable, though,due to their mother's presence and protection.  A giraffe wants to show that it is perhaps the only animal that likes human baby.  A family was driving through the Fossil Rim Wildlife Centre when a giraffe approached them. They were in fact enjoying his appearance and were quite happy to see it. In this particular place visitors are allowed to feed the zebras and the giraffes. They however stopped when they saw the giraffe grabbing the baby's(Paisley) shirt and lifting it high in the air. The mother of the baby screamed allowed in  fear. This prompted the giraffe to drop the baby in its mothers arm ! .             

Tokyo's plan to improve birth rate

Japan is quite concerned with its plunging birth rate. Government finally planned to set up an App for dating. Those willing to use the App will have to submit some documents to prove that they are single and they would like to marry. It is not  unusual for municipalities in Japan to organise match making to increase birth rate. It is, however, rare for the Government to introduce an App for such a purpose!                 

Toilet of peace & tranquility!

I am very fussy about the toilet I use. It may be in my house or in a hotel or any other place  where I might be spending the night. To be very frank I am never satisfied with the toilet that I have been using till now. Imagine my surprise when I came to know about the Japanese Hi-Tech toilet.It was a dream toilet for people like me. I am sure it will be appreciated by everyone getting the opportunity to use it.  Their precision spray technology including warm seats are a special attraction for these toilets. Bidet toilets are the norms of present day Japan. Japanese company  claims to be a Pioneer in this technology.  According to them it's a global revolution from wiping to washing ! It is ideal for maintaining privacy and silence!                 

Defacing art ?

Work of art has been glorified throughout the world.  From ancient time we have seen this glorification through ages.  It is however sad to know that art is being used for various protests. Coquelicots' (Poppy Field) painting by Claude Monet the French impressionist artist. It has been used in Museed'orsay in Paris. A woman member of Riposte Alimentaire stuck an adhesive poster of the artwork to protest against sustainable food production related to global warming. She has been seen placing a blood red poster over the painting!