My experience in Arabindo Ashram.

Have heard a lot from friends & relatives about Aurobindo Ashram. In fact one of my friends was so impressed that he decided to spend his entire life there. His only son was around 6/7 years old & he decided to send him too. Whenever I came along the name Pondicherry I thought of Rishi Aurobindo's enlightened Life. 
On entering the Ashram the very first thing that pulled me towards it-was the Samadhisthal of The Mother and Rishi Aurobindo. They were laid side by side, according to their will. When I put my two hands on it I felt like an electric shock! There were others too who touched their heads and hands. They were in deep meditation with eyes closed. Peacefulness prevailed and Silence added to their meditation. Something inside me too seemed to experience the calmness. The serenity of the place itself was  enough to transform my thoughts into a world of fearlessness and purity. Was this my second Realization, the one which I felt long ago? 
Another thing that impressed me were the services of the volunteers. As far as I knew they were giving free services. Their only identity was that  they all belonged to the same community irrespective of their countries. Everyone was doing their own work-bringing their own plates from the counter-their foods to the tables-washing their plates etc. Even elderly persons too were no exceptions.This voluntary free service too impressed me a lot. 


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