North Calcutta Adda.

It was a Medical Shop in North Calcutta.It is now an Electric shop and beside that -it was Madan Cabin where we spent our younger days- hour after hour-debating over a cup of tea. Yes -now it is an Electric Equipment shop where few local elderly persons too spend their times just for harmless gossiping.Not only elders but young men too join perhaps to gain some knowledge of matured world.The father of the young man is probably the owner of the shop.We however never bothered to find out the owner.Our main reason to assemble there was to spend some idle moments-the moments of retired life. Ahin and Jagga are both of my age.We sometime talk about the gone by days.During our 20s we had some boxing where (sorry to say) I knocked down Ahin who was bleeding profusely.Of course it was a friendly fight and we both took it sportingly We often tripped down memory lane and several faces haunts us.We discuss over current topics too where Ahin proves to be the leading voice. Jagga who took interest in politics from his college days sometime regrets that Subroto Mukherjee is no more.Subroto and Priyo were his close friends. Just a few days back when we were busy with our adda - a pigeon without any warning rushed towards us and finally took rest on a corner of the stair.There was a sea change among us and astonishingly we all started showing concern.It was Ahin who took the lead. He caught it gently and called a boy, about 12 years old.The boy came running and immediately took up the responsibility. He began his nursing by removing entangled ladies hair on the baby pigeon's legs. We thought this was the cause of it's fall.All of us looked at the boy and his endeavor. He finally completed his job and we all prayed for its release.Unfortunately the pigeon was unable to fly on its own. According to our advice he took it along to his house. We were sure the baby has received its mother!


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