A sense of decency.

To be or not to be. Rather-to write or not to write. Probably it

will sound foolish or-if I would like to be precise - quite careless.

It all depends upon our personal sensetiveness which usually

differs from person to person.

I was standing in a queue for drawing money. There were at least

7/8 persons before in the said queue. While looking aimlessly hither

and thither my eyes caught the cashier's dress. She was a young lady

busy doing her job quite effeciently. The fan was just over her head

running at full speed as it was quite hot.

The  front button of the lady's shirt got unknowingly opened and

all eyes were forced to notice this.  I couldn't take it any longer as

my sense of decency compelled me to request the lady -standing 

before me- to alert the cashier. Surprisingly  the lady (40/45 yrs  old)

started smiling and  denied my request. Her excuse was that the

young lady might feel insulted and humiliated!!

Later I discussed the matter with my wife and -more surprisingly-

she too supported the lady !

Am I a fool and have no sense of decency !!?


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