Serial or Twitter Killer ?

Most of us have perhaps read Foyodor Drostoivosky's 'Crime and

Punishment' where a mercy killing was involved. The intention of

the killer was a philanthropic one . Finally the Law took its usual

course and the killer was sent to gallows.

       Takahiro shiraishi of Japan was involved in a similar crime.

A 23year old young lady expressed her wish in Twitter to commit

suicide. Henceforth she was untraceable.

       The police enquiry uncovered 9 dead bodies in her house along

with 240 bones in cooler.

        Takahiro used to connect through various websites and find out

those with suicidical motives. In his Twitter Account he expressed his 

wish to help those who suffered from such tendencies. In fact he was

responsible for all the bodies!

(From a Newspaper repor)


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