A shrewd bargainer fails before artists !

We used to call him Gopalda. In fact he was universally known by

that name. He was our local Dada and a much sorted man as far as

bargaining was concerned. We were then mostly in our teens and our

requirements encompassed around our age. It maybe a badminton /

 cricket bat or a football but Gopalda was the very first name that came

to our mind. 

   I  could still remember his method of bargaining since I had the good

fortune to accompany him on his errand. I was eager to buy a Gramaphone

and requested him to do the bargaining for me. As always he readily agreed

and thus we started towards Mullick Bazar , better known as Chor Bazar. We

somehow believed that stolen goods were sold there and hence the resale price

would be quite suitable for our pockets.

  When nearing the shop Gopalda changed his facial language drastically. It

looked as if he was uninterested in whatever he saw before him. In a callous

and indifferent manner he would ask the price of the commodity -just to show

that he was least interested.

"You see I would like to sell a second-hand similar looking Gramaphone- how

much are you willing to pay ?"

The shopkeeper would usually make an uninterested  face and quote the most

ridiculous price. After a bit of bargaining Gopalda (only he could do it) would

lay the final trap !

"Now suppose I would like to Buy Your Gramaphone would you give it at that 

price ?"
         Bargaining and arguments followed for sometime and finally the deal

was closed in our favour ! I returned home proudly with my prized possession.

Days and years passed by and we became young men. Our activities broadened

along with our age. I developed a craze for music and often organised functions.

Most of these functions were organised in the private passage before my house.

On one occasion we decided to show off with few box artists in our favour.

The subscription was not up to our expectation and hence we decided to

request Gopalda. It was our wish to bring the Mahalaya Famous Artist 

Dwijen Mukherjee to enlighten our function. As always Gopalda showed

interest and we proceeded towards the Artist's house in Shyampukur Street.

After waiting for half an hour we got the permission to meet him . The Artist

was in a professional mood. So without wasting any time we immediately 

came to the point and forwarded Gopalda to do the rest. Gopalda began his

famous bargaining trick and we looked towards a good deal. Within a short

time Gopalda came to know that this was not the place for his usual game.

However he tried his best to fight back but the Artist's final words simply

killed his last endeavour.

Those words were "Just buy my record and play it in your function."


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