Negativity of our Society !

It's a very small incident. In fact it isn't worth mentioning. Yet it left a 

mark on me- which finally I would like to express through my writing.

Yesterday morning I went out to buy few daily requirements. While I

was crossing a rickshaw a man aged around 35/36 years suddenly

intercepted me. He stood right before me and said " I could judge you

by your very looks !" I looked at the man who was more or less well

dressed and seemed quite normal. He said again with conviction" You

are a No1 man." What he meant was that I was a pure and sincere man.

I smiled a bit and tried to cross him. This time he hold my hand lightly (

without worrying about the present untouchability Corona rule ) and

repeated the same sentence.

My very first impression was that he would ask for help or money. I smiled

and moved towards a shop.

At home I reflected upon the incident. Probably the man was really in 

trouble. Perhaps he needed money urgently.

When I related it to my brother's wife she immediately reacted negatively.

Why this negativity, thought I. In fact this negative feeling has engulfed the

entire Society, if not the World !!


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