Ting the protector !

Have you ever seen a puppy in distress ? The answer will probably be 

in the affirmative. How many of us have dared to save a little one and

give it the necessary requirements? Just to give it a chance to survive

and lead a descent life ? This time the answer will be a hesitant negative.

The eldest among the three sisters, however, never hesitated. When she

knew that the puppy would not stop following her - she immediately

decided to adopt it. 

The puppy looked  around its new home  but nervousness seemed to

overrule its satisfaction. It was afraid and suspicious of its new found


Finally ... finally and finally she gained her confidence and things turned

topsy turvy. I mean previously she was nervous But now she (at the drop

of a hat) is making the house so.

Her name is Ting and probably this is their way of protecting the house !


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