Love birds sing Non-coronal song!

Corona ! The very word is like a curse- from morning till night hanging

over our head. There is no peace and the very humanity seems to be

doomed. Feeling of sweetness and well beings are slowly but steadily

vanishing from our lives. Even Music and all other forms of Art- that used

to provide us the required inner strength seems to have lost their charms.

In such a situation leaving all gloominess behind :

                           At once a voice arose among

                           The bleak twigs over head
                            In a full- hearted evensong

                            Of joy illimited
                                           (Thomas Hardy)

Yes a lovebird, sorry, two lovebirds are busy singing a Non-coronal

song. One from Kolkata and the other from Canada. Distance couldn't

separate their twitts as both of them are holding their smartphones

ready. Hence videocalls and voice calls are enough for them at present.

  The future, of course, is to hold aCeremony and bind those two Hearts

stronger and stronger.
           Our Blessings for Sayantani and Soubhik.


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