My father Late Kamal Kumar Deb !

Today while taking my morning walk I suddenly remembered

my father. He was the only son among four daughters. I am not

sure how to describe him since there was always a line drawn

between him and our brothers and only sister. The eldest among

us however had easy access-in fact his favorite. We have often

seen him sitting by his side reading out 'The Statements' for him. 

Occasionally my father stopped him and said things-still not

known by us. 

As far as I know father was a student of Presidency College and

later-due to unknown reason- shifted to Vidyasagar College. He

even had a Medical Certificate in Homeopathy (Distant course ).

   It was according to his wish that we were sent to renowned

English Medium schools -very rare during those days. We were

from a very big family- though we lived in our separate houses

side by side-yet none studied in english. Once father told me

that we brothers and sister should divert into various fields-

Medical, Accountancy, Engineering and even in Fine Arts etc.

Somehow he believed that I would be fit for fine arts. Probably

from the time my mother showed him some of my water color

drawings. He was eager to send me to Indian Art College later.

He even found music in me and requested one of our uncles to

teach me guitar.

I still regret to think that I cried and refused to join a renowned

Darjeeling school -even when everything was settled. I was very

attached with my Mesda and leaving his company was the last

thing in my mind-especially his stories-which mesmerized me.

Father was furious but I somehow took shelter behind  my


However it was always the eldest brother whom he sorted out

to pour his heart.

Mrs Pharrow was the lady who often came to our house. She was

our school teacher too. She showed us how to celebrate Christmas

by decorating the Holy Tree at our ground floor room. I could still

remember her playing the piano sometimes. She used to talk with

our mother too and once-as far as I could remember-she took me

along with mother to her house. I still remember the long wood-

en stairs.
(To continue )


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