He is your God ! Says Rachana in Didi No.1.

Kudos to Rachana Banerjee for the good job she is doing in Didi

No.1 Zee Bangla.

It is a very popular TV show and like me-am sure-many wouldn't

deny that she is doing a wonderful job for the society as an

anchor. Her every expression her every words speak for

themselves-hence I would not try any further to describe her

acumen in the said field.

  Yesterday (15th January 2019) her words touched a deep chord

within me when she uttered the words in the heading. There was

something in her tone-iin her expression-that completely bowled

me out. It steered my 'thoughts too deep for tears'. The young

man and his disabled wife to whom she addressed were in a

desperate situation.  The man even after knowing his wife's

pitiable condition (she fell from the 5th floor of a building and

broke nearly every bones of her body and she was always in

pain) decided to marry her. From thereon he has taken complete

care-even when his wife was admitted in a hospital-he didn't

hesitate to get himself admitted too!

It reminds me of an author who said 'If there was a big basket

and everyone was requested to throw their sorrows in it ? The

result will be  -Those who threw will happily take them out

considering their sufferings very common to others!

 Didi No.1 is doing exactly that with the help of an ideal anchor

Rachana Banerjee.

Kudos once again. May God give you the strength and tenacity

throughout your life.


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