The comedy of an error in Hyderabad !

It all began on a Sunday morning. 

I was staying in Hyderabad with my son's family and my wife -

who went to Kolkata for few days- was to return. Ria- a close

associate of my son & daughter in law -was to accompany her on

the flight. My son was abroad and Arnab (Ria's husband ) was the

sole person responsible to receive and bring them back from the

airport. It was 45 minutes to an hour journey from our place.

My son's flat was on the 9th floor while Arnab stayed on the 14th.

We went to bed with the expectation of a good day ahead.

All was going well until Archi ( my son's wfe) made a phone call

to Arnab -well -just to find out if 'all was ok'. The phone went on

ringing. After few moments Archi put in few more calls but all

went unanswered. Finally she decided to go to his flat and find

out whether he was still there. The plane was to land around

2pm and the time was ripe.

Within few moments she came back with the news that Arnab's

flat was locked from within. She rang the door bell several times

without receiving any answer. We thought probably Arnab was

on his way to airport.To be sure Archi inspected the underground

garage- just to find out if the car was there. Arnab was to take

 my son's car to the airport and - O God -it was right there-still !

Now for the first time I got a bit worried. I told Archi to follow me

and quickly went to his flat with a bunch of keys. I rang the door

bell -no response ! (Sorry to say that I have been watching Crime

Patrol & Savdhaan India on TV quite often) My mind was already

sending strange signals-in fact fearful signals ! I tried to open the

door with few keys but failed. I asked Archi if duplicate keys were

available with the Security Office. She was not sure so I told her

to find out. She left- all the while holding her little daughter's

hand more tightly. I sensed her feelings too.

In the meanwhile I was madly ringing & knocking the door. I

decided to leave no stone unturned and hence took the bunch

of keys and repeatedly tried to do the needful. Suddenly I had

the feeling of success and turned the handle. To my surprise

the door opened. Now now -expecting something

dreadful I tiptoed inside the flat.For a moment I was

flabbergasted! On the next moment (just for a fraction of a

second, I presume ) I went back to my bachelor days when I

too lived the life that unfolded before me. Everything in the

room was in a mess. Nothing was in its right place. Beginning

from the TV set, laptop till the very geyser switch (it was on )

each & everything was -what should I say - in a bizarre

situation! The guy who lives here had dictated his life according

to his term-thought I !!

However I got off from my distraction and concentrated towards

the purpose of my visit. I called out his name-first in my lowest

voice- and finally raised it to its highest limit. I searched every

room while constantly keeping that 'highest limit ' intact !

Fearing the worst I was already retracing my steps when I

suddenly recognized an unopened door. Hesitantly I moved

towards that Last Door -my highest limit in action.

 And.. and finally opened the LD. I was received by the coldest

room that I had recently visited. Recognizing that I was , after

all, on the right track l once again vocally -I mean from lowest

to highest- called out Arnab..Arnab..Arnab ! No response still !!

When I was about to do something unimaginable the apparition

on the bed moved! I glanced back in horror or maybe with


Finally the apparition quickly got up to a sitting position and

looked back at me -perhaps the last person the guy had ever

expected. I could well imagine that the guy took advantage of

his wife's absence and partied throughout the night. And just

to have a Royal sleep put the mobile in a silent mode -the very

cause of all the confusion !

Hence ended Arnab's bachelor lifestyle while his wife Ria

waited  at the airport!!


  1. That is just brilliant. And I have a consolation prize; I inspire literature!

  2. Love the description and suspense.My wife was too worried when Arnab didn't respond to her calls.Boys will be boys. Ashok Banerji.


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