Ah ! Those Tiger Cubs !!

I could still .recollect those velvety paws and innocent eyes. They were

 our pets when we were 10/12 years of age.We had a "Chiriawalla"

named Gani who frequently visited our house to supply various rare

birds.Yes my father was a bird lover & collector and he constructed a

big cage-as big as a hallroom-on the terrace which we called "Pakhi 


It so happened- we knew later -that Gani was aware of our father's

wish to present us tiger cubs.He finally arrived with a bundle from

 where two cute puppy like cubs peeped out. The deal was done

and a big wooden cage with iron grills soon arrived.

Bhortu, our head servant was given sole responsibility for

their up keeping.

Within a month the cubs became restless and their mews

turned into snarls.

Our father decided to free them from morning till

evening from their cage. Then began a season of running

jumping- even scaring and scratching with snarls. Every evening

-before they were put to cage-the little ones left no stones

unturned to keep us to our toes.

An important incident , however,  soon occurred.

Our uncle's house was just adjacent to ours and they too were

-proud of their magnificent cockatoos, frenchs etc. They usually

-showed off their big birds perched in giant stands near the gate.

Often we heard loud shrills from these birds. The cause was our

tiger cubs targeting them frequently.

The inevitable happened (in the mean while the cubs grew a

little bigger) when we encountered our uncle's wrath and

frustration. O God ! the very worst had happened. Their most

prestigious bird was killed by one of our cubs. They were so

furious that they even threatened to sue our father!

Finally the police intervened-as far as I could remember-and

after much negotiations- it was decided that the cubs should

be sent to the zoo.

There was another story running parallel to this one-that one

was wounded and the other one was left near Dum Dum. During

those days Dum Dum was kind of a forest. And there it was shot

down by a saheb !




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