Manna De lived in North Calcutta. It was a five minutes walk from our house. During those days he spent most of his time in Bombay but used to visit his home in Simla Street.There was a day when we saw him with Md Rafi , like commoners, buying cigarettes from Ganga's Pan shop.It was not an every day sight. We were probably in our College days when we used to have regular music addas in our house.Many of us were serious about music. One among us was a die hard fan of Manna De. He was so bent upon taking music lessons from Manna De that, one day, he picked up enough courage to call at his house at Simla Street. When , in the evening , he related his experience - it was a kind of shock & awe situation for us. Manna De was in relaxed mood when he revealed his intention. De quickly reacted " Do you know wrestling ?"My friend was simply bowled out-what a question !! When he finally replied, Manna De said" Go an...