
An outsider's experience !

My apology for not going through this newly released book 'The Lowland ' by Jhumpa Lahiri. Her growing up with at  least two names of Calcutta (Vivekananda Road & Tollygunge)  might arose some amount of curiosity among old Calcuttans. Especially when the author claims to be an outsider-though having an existing family tree here.It will be interesting to find out how she educates herself -trying to trace back the mindset of a 'certain period.' 

Sitar reciltal at Chatu Babu Latu Babu's Thakutbari !

                                          On 19th January 2014 -Org. by S. Deb

She is SUCHITRA SEN ..not Suchitra !!

It was very painful to see her mentioned as Suchitra in some TV channels-while reporting her health condition ! She is not ONLY Suchitra .......she is SUCHITRA SEN !!!!!! Wonder how long will it take us to respect a personality who has  given us so much !! So much !!!! So much !!!! So much !!!

Tradition continues !!

                                           At Chatu Babu Latu Babu's Natmandir.                                            On 29th December 2013.

Christmas Eve 2013

                                               FAR   FROM  THE MADDING  CROWD                                                               

Park Street-Christmas & Nostalgia !

Where is Park Street ???????

Globalization in education -curse for developing countries ?

In a recent debate in Calcutta ,Andrew Connery & Ben Kornfeld  of University Of Yale expressed their views negatively.They believe that the developing countries were unable to get the rewards.Talented minds were absorbed by the westernized and rich countries.Had it been otherwise these countries (having proper resources) could have developed more rapidly. Points to ponder !!