
Girish vs Nakur !!

Previously it was always Girish-Girish & Girish ! Atleast residents of North Calcutta always took pride in mentioning this particular name ! But for some reason the name of Nakur seems to have been catching the attention of present day customers. Marketing ?

Chatu Babu Latu Babu's Saraswati Puja & Classical Music !

Who could forget those Classical Music programmes held during Saraswati Puja !! Artists? Pdt. Ravishankar,Ustd. Amir Khan, Ustd. Vilayat Khan, Alla Rakha,Keramutalla Khan, Roushan Kumari, Nazakat & Salamat Ali Khan,V.G.Yog, Ustd.Amanat Ali & Fateh Ali Khan, Ustd. Bade Gulam Ali Khan etc. The tradition of Classical Music Programs still continues-mostly  organised  by Saibal and Mausam Deb of this family.

Is blogging useless ?

One really thinks whether blogging is worthwhile. There are times when one wants to Burst out with his or her's innermost thoughts & feelings. On second thought it always is the same story ! Why ! Why !! What's the use !!! Wonder why this predicament !!

Love-Work- Society & Security !!

It is said that to pursue Happiness - Man must fulfill four minimum demands of Life. He must love and be loved. He must engage himself in some work. He must socialize in society. He must save for future security. Unfortunately - trying to build up security for future is being pursued in such a selfish & brutish manner that most of us are killing the very means to Happiness ! That is Love & Faith !

What's on your mind ? Facebook !!!

Wonder what's going on your Mind ? The question is not a a new one that Facebook asks !! Through ages this particular question has been asked by millions of persons-Politicians, Media, People who matter, even common people& people with very little knowledge ! Hence -this will always remain a mystery-since it contains the wish of the Entire World, Society & Civilization !!

Pithe Puli Utsav 2012- Chatu Babu Latu Babu's Natmandir !

Photo by: Saibal Kumar Deb

Google Facebook Yahoo in trouble ?

Google, Facebook Yahoo and another 18 Websites have been served with summons by the Delhi Court. Accusations ? Not applying proper means to control unwanted exposures that could be harmful for India-since it has the potentiality to create trouble and spoil the peaceful existence & harmony enjoyed by the Indian citizens. Wonder what happens if these Websites are finally blocked ! Follow China's path ?